opening night: 13.02.2005 r.
The faith is more heartless for Thumbelina than her small, fragile body deserves, Will she be able to escape from the Toad and her son? Will she survive the mocking of June beetles?
Will she get away from the old mole who wants to trap her as his wife in the underground tunnels? Will her good heart be rewarded? Those are the questions that are always on our mind when we read the story by Andersen, but they are even more pressing when we watch the story of Thumbelina in the theatre. Fairies never get old and they always have something to say, and Thumbelina is one of the most beautiful.
written by: Hans Christian Andersen
translation: Stefania Beylin
adaptation: Janusz Pokrywka
directed by: Janusz Pokrywka
stage design:Janusz Pokrywka
music:Antoni Mleczko
Narrator, Thumbelina, Woman, Frog - Mother, Ladys Cockchafers, Mouse, Swallow (voice): Jadwiga Domka
Narrator, Witch, Butterfly, Mole, Spirit of the Flower: Bogusław Michałek
Narrator, Frog-Son, Cockchafer, Swallow (animation): Łukasz Styka/ Paweł Pawlik (since September 2005)
"Maska" Theatre in Rzeszow, 35-064 Rzeszów, ul. Mickiewicza 13
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