opening night: 02.03.2013 r.
There once was a Shoemaker Lastlet, mischievous boy who was a pest for everyone he decided to make fun of. He was punished for his tricks all the time by his Master Simon Packthread, but the boy simply didn’t care about that.
At the end he was banished from his little town. So he was started his journey across the world. One day he has met Drake Quack who was as mischievous as Lastlet. From that day on they wandered together. The director of our show has decided to tell you about all what they experienced and learned during their journey.
“There is probably no adults or child who doesn’t know the Kornel Makuszyński’s name. His pleasant and inventive Matołek the Billy-Goat is favorite character of few generations of Poles. Almost everyone knows also the incredible adventures of Tailor Thread who has sewn up the torn sky. The older ones remember also twins – Jacek and Placek - form excellent story “The Two Who Stole the Moon” or “Merry Devil's Friend”. Kornel Makuszyński was a writer who understand the children very well and who was very well understand by children. He was loved for excellent sense of humor and grate skill of touching readers souls. The grate example of those is the tale “The Shoemaker Lastlet and the Drake Quack”. At first glance it might seams that the main character of that story is worthless villain who will caused the trouble for all he meet. But the author is optimist and he believes in human heart. In his opinion even most hardened heart could change due to tears of other persons. And because theatre is not only for amusement, but also a place in which we can consider the secrets of human hearts we decided to tell you this story. If you like it, reach for other books of Kornel Makuszyński”
Zbigniew Głowacki
written by: Kornel Makuszyński
adaptation: Zbigniew Głowacki
directed by: Zbigniew Głowacki
stage design: Ireneusz Salwa
music: Bogdan Szczepański
director’s assistant: Jadwiga Domka
Jadwiga Domka, Kamila Korolko, Natalia Zduń, Henryk Hryniewicki, Robert Luszowski, Piotr Pańczak
"Maska" Theatre in Rzeszow, 35-064 Rzeszów, ul. Mickiewicza 13
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