opening night: 01.06.2012 r.
Czy zastanawialiście się kiedyś, czemu Rzeszów nazywa się Rzeszowem i jak powstały piękne kamieniczki na rzeszowskim rynku? Opowiedzą Wam o tym dwie niezwykłe postacie – Anioł i psotny, ale w gruncie rzeczy nieszkodliwy, podkarpacki Diabeł. Znają oni mnós
Two very extraordinary characters of our performance will tell you about this. One of them it is Angel second – mischievous but essentially harmless Devil form Podkarpacie. They know lots of legends connected with that beautiful region of Poland. They will willingly tell you the story of brave and kind Rzeszko, beautiful Wisłooka and malicious water-sprite called Old Wisłoczysko. You may also hear about tenement houses on rzeszow market squar which was embroidered by mysterious force. There will be also the story of smart young girl, Kachna and her father honest glazier Maciej. You certainly won't get bored and you will learn a lot interesting things about Rzeszów at the same time.
Tales from Rzeszów was written especially for Maska Theatre by Marta Guśniowska – young and talented playwright. The author of the stage designs and puppets is artist from Rzeszów, Leszek Kuchniak
written byr: Marta Guśniowska
directed by: team
stage design: Leszek Kuchniak
Jadwiga Domka, Monika Szela/ Piotr Pańczak (since September 2012)
"Maska" Theatre in Rzeszow, 35-064 Rzeszów, ul. Mickiewicza 13
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