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Socks and paper curls, or about that what has happened in the fox family

Socks and paper curls, or about that what has happened in the fox family

opening night: 13.03.2016 r.

Have you seen my socks? The tartan ones. Warm. There are only three of them. I will not go to the meeting of the Wood’s and Forest’s board with a bare paw!" These are Daddy Fox’s words which start every morning in fox family.

Following her father NataFox  shouts out “I do not want those ribbons!” and BabyFox accompanies: ”MummyFox, I am hungry". Yes, MummyFox has a lot on her plate. That is why the day in which MummyFox decides to go to work is a day of BIG CHANGES. The children will spend the whole day with their father. That seemingly harmless situation will bring a lot of attractions but will also change in a short horror movie.

What’s happen in Fox family then? You will know the answer when you see our performance. One is certain - our characters will learn new skills and responsibilities and mother will succeed at work and at  home.

Julia Holewińska is acclaimed playwright, awarded with prestigious Gdynia’s  Price for Playwright. Her plays were staged and published in Poland and abroad. She is two-time grant holder of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Grant, laureate of Young Poland program.  “Socks and paper curls” is her first play for children.


author: Julia Holewińska
directed by: Robert Drobniuch
stage design: Katarzyna Proniewska-Mazurek
music: Maja Pietraszewska-Koper

duration: 45 min

The performance was taking a part in a 22nd All-Poland Contest for Staging Polish Contemporary Play.
The aim of All-Poland Contest for Staging Polish Contemporary Play is awarding the most interesting repertoire research in Polish theatre and popularization of Polish Contemporary Drama. The contest is organized by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and Theatre Institute of Zbigniew Raszewski in Warsaw.
In the first phase of the contest all performances ware valued by following Artistic Committee: Jacek Sieradzki (chairman), Ewa Hevelke, Andrzej Lis, Zofia Smolarska, Szymon Spichalski, Izabela Szymańska, Katarzyna Waligóra

Plakat: Socks and paper curls, or about that what has happened in the fox family


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